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Polish Saber Fighting
Online Course
Vol. I

The first part of the Polish Saber Fighting Course provides a solid foundation in physical preparation, cutting techniques, and movement.  Ideal for beginners who want to delve into the secrets of this noble art.

Engaging animations to

enhance learning.

A training methodology grounded in the authenticity of

historical sources.

Polish language version with English subtitles.

Over 3 hours of training material.

The world's first online

Polish saber fighting course.

Image recorded from 3 cameras simultaneously.

Exercises recorded in real time

and slow motion.

Links to individual exercises on

the timeline.

What makes our course stand out?

What will you learn in the first part of the course?

The course covers the following topics:

Combining Cuts with Footwork - Shadow Fencing, Pell Drills, and Partner Drills

Feints and Provocations - Techniques for Deceptive Maneuvers

Course introduction and warm-up exercises.

Footwork Fundamentals - Exercises on the Cross and in Pairs.

Cuts and Thrusts - Mechanics, Directions, and Types

Static and Deflecting Parries - Concept and Application

What is the Cross-Cutting Art?

CROSS-CUTTING ART (SZTUKA KRZYŻOWA) - A saber fighting tradition practiced in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (present-day Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, and Ukraine), Cross-Cutting Art (Sztuka Krzyżowa) represents the intangible heritage of old Polish martial arts, dating back to the second half of the 16th century.

The name "Sztuka Krzyżowa" (Cross-Cutting Art) derives from "Cięcie Krzyżowe" (Cross-Cut), a characteristic Polish fencing technique involving two intersecting cuts. The first cut aims to deceive or deflect the opponent's weapon, while the second aims to wound or kill.

Accessible on any mobile device

Our course is available on all mobile devices. Whether you use your phone, tablet or laptop, you can easily access all lessons and course materials.


Enjoy the convenience of learning wherever you are and whenever you want, with full mobility and flexibility. Our course has been optimized to ensure smoothness and accessibility on various operating systems and screen sizes, which guarantees comfortable and effective learning of saber fencing.

Our courses are perfect for:

Praktykujący Historyczne Europejskie Sztuki Walki

Pasjonaci dawnych form walki (HEMA), którzy chcą zgłębić techniki i historię polskiej szabli, poszerzając swoje umiejętności.

sztuk walki

Osoby trenujące różne dyscypliny sztuk walki, zainteresowane włączeniem elementów szermierki szablą do swojego repertuaru, jako formy cross-treningu i rozwoju umiejętności użycia broni.

Żołnierze i Miłośnicy Wojskowości

Osoby związane z wojskiem lub militariami, dla których szabla to symbol militarnych tradycji i wyjątkowa umiejętności walki w bliskim kontakcie.

i menedżerowie

Członkowie kadry kierowniczej, którzy szukają wyjątkowej formy wysiłku i odreagowania stresu, a także sposobu na zwiększenie swojej odporności psychicznej i siły perswazji.

Nauczyciele oraz studenci i uczniowie

Nauczyciele i uczniowie fascynujący się historią i bronią białą, szukający praktycznego zrozumienia nauki i poczucia dumy z własnej tożsamości.

Overview of the course

  • A brief overview of the origins of polish saber Fencing and an introduction to the course topics.

  • Comprehensive warm-up exercises to prepare the body for weapon use.

  • Cross Footwork Drills: Learning basic footwork sequences using a cross diagram on the ground.

  • Step exercises performed with a partner, developing coordination and reaction time.

  • Mastering the art of footwork: A comprehensive guide to saber fencing steps.

  • Demonstrating the correct saber grip that influences weapon control and maintaining the correct trajectory of cuts.

  • Exercises to strengthen and stretch the arm muscles.

  • Presentation of basic fencing positions.

  • Techniques of changing fencing positions affecting the effectiveness of defense and attack.

  • Understanding distance: A comprehensive overview

  • Visual representation of attack directions and types of saber cuts.

  • Technical analysis of cutting execution, with emphasis on biomechanics.

  • Techniques of performing strong arm cuts intended for long-range combat.

  • Techniques of performing fast and precise cuts intended for medium and close range combat.

  • Cutting-thrusting techniques executed by applying the blade to the opponent's body and straightening the armed hand.

  • Techniques of using a short saber blade designed to bypass opponent's parries.

  • Defensive techniques that use the back of the saber blade to parry attacks.

  • Effective thrusting techniques with the curved saber blade.

  • Provocative techniques aimed at disorienting the opponent.

  • Techniques for bypassing opponent's covers.

  • Techniques for dynamically deflecting the opponent's cuts.

  • Basic techniques of defense and blocking.

  • Application of parries based on the defensive triangle concept.

Get to know your teacher


The modern father of research on the "Cross-Cutting Art", an expert in old Polish saber fencing. Fencer, rider and trainer - for years associated with the fencing sections of the Legia Club and the Integration Sports Club AZS - AWF. A student of outstanding Polish Olympic athletes, fencers and cavalrymen (Prof. Zabłocki, Major Przeździecki, Major Olędzki). In the scientific field, he made a breakthrough in research on the history and use of the Polish saber of the 16th and 17th centuries.

He is a choreographer and trainer who was entrusted by director Jerzy Hoffman with preparing actors and developing fencing scenes in the Polish blockbuster productions "With Fire and Sword" and "Battle of Warsaw 1920". In 2019, he made his debut as a screenwriter and producer of the film "Born for the Saber". The film won international awards recognition and its distribution covered over 30 countries in Europe and Asia.

President of the Polish Cross-Cutting Art Association, awarded the Silver Cross of Merit for his contribution to the promotion of history and preservation of national heritage. He appeared before representatives of European royal families, NATO and the diplomatic corps.

What's worth knowing

  • Patience, humility and work are the essence of effective training. Focus on proper body alignment and pay close attention to faithfully replicating each instructor's movement. Start with the fundamental steps of stances and actions without the use of weapons, and add them once you feel more confident. Master the basics before moving on to more advanced techniques – it's the solid and well-developed foundation that can make you a master.

  • The most important thing during saber fencing training is safety. Always use proven protective equipment, carefully observe the instructor and follow his instructions. Make sure the training space is safe and properly prepared. Remember that caution and gradual increases in speed and strength are essential to avoid injury and master proper technique.

Take your skills to the next level

Explore the next parts of advanced Polish saber fencing courses.

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